The name of this organization shall be Rochester Memorial School Parent-Teacher Organization, RMS PTO, or PTO.
The mission of the Rochester Memorial School PTO is to provide support and communicate with parents, teachers, students, administrators, and the surrounding community. The RMS PTO will support relationships between home and school so that parents and teachers can collaborate in the education of all children. The RMS PTO will promote enriching experiences that will enhance all children's academic, physical, cultural, artistic, and social education. The RMS PTO will provide educational programs that work in tandem with parent, teacher, and community goals and objectives for student learning. The RMS PTO will raise funds within the organization in order to provide enriching experiences for the entire school committee, while following the tenets of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The RMS PTO will work with the school to provide quality educational experiences for all children.
a.To foster a cooperative relationship between parents, teachers, support staff, and school administrators.
b.To encourage family participation within the school.
c.To encourage families to volunteer in school and/or on committees.
d.To plan and carry out special events, of which all monies raised will be used to directly benefit the school and students.
e.To keep the community informed about the school’s educational programs and district strategic goals.
f.To respond to family concerns.
g.To respond to RMS teachers/staff concerns.
h.To communicate with the Principal.
i.To encourage community awareness.
j.To encourage communication between the school and the citizens of the community.
k.To boost the morale of student and staff at RMS
In order to protect the rights of individuals and ongoing educational programs, the RMS PTO agrees to abide by the following limitations:
a.It shall not violate the district’s personnel agreements, contracts, policies, or interfere with the professional performance of the school staff.
b.It shall not infringe on the legal rights of individual students, groups of students, teachers, parents, or the community.
c.It shall not become involved in, or interfere with, curriculum decisions.
d.It shall not directly, or indirectly, participate or intervene in any way (including the publishing or distributing of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.
a.The RMS PTO does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, homelessness, or disability in admission to access to, treatment in, or employment in its membership.
b.The RMS PTO shall conduct an annual enrollment of members, but may admit persons to its membership at any time.
c.The RMS PTO shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan. The name of the organization or the names of any members in their official capacity shall not be used to endorse or promote a commercial concern or be used in connection with any partisan interest.
a.GENERAL MEETINGS: General meetings shall be held once monthly during the school year. The dates will be determined by the Executive Board and posted on the PTO website.
b.SPECIAL MEETINGS: Any member of the PTO Board, as necessary, may call special meetings with two (2) days notice.
c.EXECUTIVE MEETINGS: Executive Meetings may be called by any member of the Executive Board and must be attended by the Finance Committee Chair and one Mediator in order for any actions to be taken. Executive meetings shall be called only in the event of extreme urgency. No votes taken in executive meetings will approve an expenditure of more than $1000.
d.All meetings will be run by the PTO Executive Board.
e.Meetings shall be governed by “Robert’s Rules of Order” where applicable.
f.All meetings will be posted in the PTO newsletter, on the PTO website, and on all PTO social media.
g.Meeting dates may be changed with seven (7) days notice and posted on the PTO calendar and social media.
h.QUORUM: A majority of the Executive Board (4/7) and the majority vote of those members attending a regular or special meeting shall be sufficient to complete a transaction of business for the organization.
i.Meetings may be held on Zoom or a similar platform.
j. Votes may be taken on ElectionBuddy or a similar platform, as long as results can
be recorded.
a.Voting members of the PTO include the following:
i.Adult family/guardians members of students currently enrolled at
Rochester Memorial School.
ii.Teachers and staff of Rochester Memorial School.
iii.PTO Executive Board members.
b.Each voting member has the right to one vote.
c.Each voting member has the right to propose motions.
d.Motions are passed by a simple majority vote.
e.Amendments to approved by-laws shall be presented to/at the PTO General Membership monthly meeting. Proposed amendments will be voted on/adopted, with a simple majority vote of those members present at the following PTO General Membership monthly meeting.
f. All volunteers will need to have a CORI check. These will be processed by Rochester Memorial School if submitted at the beginning of the school year.
a.To attend meetings.
b.To elect PTO officers in May of every other year.
c.To participate in school activities, committees, events, fundraisers, and educational programs sponsored by the PTO.
d.To provide input and vote on expenditures of funds earned by the PTO.
e.To share ideas and concerns relating to PTO sponsored events.
f.To review and approve the by-laws at the first meeting of each year.
a.The PTO Executive Board will consist of eight (8) members; i. Parent Administrator (President)
ii.Teacher Administrator (Co-President)
iv.Fundraising Coordinator
v.Recording Secretary
vi.Event Coordinator
vii.Outreach Coordinator
b.All Executive Board members will have equal voting rights and be responsible for attending all meetings. The board member from the communication committee will be responsible for recording the meeting minutes.
c.All elected officers must have a child currently enrolled at or be a staff member at Rochester Memorial School.
d.Nominations will be accepted for all of the above listed positions prior to the election of office at the May PTO General meeting. No person shall be elected to an office without his or her consent.
e.Election of officers shall be conducted by written ballot or voice vote at the June PTO General meeting by a simple majority vote.
f.Newly elected officers of the RMS PTO shall assume the responsibilities of their offices following the adjournment of the June PTO General meeting.
g.In the event any current elected officer no longer has a child enrolled at Rochester Memorial School, for any reason, said officer will be considered to have resigned, and that Executive Board position will be considered vacant. The vacant position can be filled according to the provisions listed below.
h.Any vacancy occurring in an office shall be filled, for the remainder of the term, by a person(s) elected by a simple majority vote of the PTO Executive Board.
a.All board members are expected to attend scheduled Executive Board and General Membership meetings.
b.The Executive Board has the power to act in an emergency without the consent of the PTO general members.
c.The Board may vote to allocate funds of $100.00 or less without bringing the request to the General Membership meeting for approval, not to exceed $500.00 per fiscal year.
i.This amount increases to $300.00 or less during the months of July and August while school is on summer break.
d.All Executive members have the right to propose motions.
e.All officers have the right to one vote.
f.To review and approve the budget and by-laws at the first meeting of each PTO term.
g.To collaborate with active councils and committees working within the school.
h.The Executive Board shall identify persons(s) to perform a yearly examination [audit] of PTO financial records and said person shall prepare written, signed results to the PTO Board.
i.No Board member shall be allowed to perform said examination [audit or review] of PTO financial records; it must be independently prepared.
j.Upon completion of term, the member must turn over all relevant documents and information to incoming Board members.
a.The fiscal year of this organization shall begin on July 1 and end on the following June 30.
b.The RMS PTO Finance Committee shall keep accurate records of disbursements, income, and bank account information.
c.All committee chairs shall keep receipts and records of financial needs and uses for the finance committee or will not be reimbursed.
d.The Finance Committee shall prepare a financial statement at the end of the year to be reviewed by an accountant.
e.Upon dissolution of this organization, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, remaining assets shall be distributed in the following manner:
i.for the creation of a new parent teacher organization.
ii.given to the RMS Endowment Fund.
iii.given to a town revolving account that supports education programs in Rochester.
f.DIRECTED DONATIONS: RMS PTO reserves the right to decline monies from “directed donations” that do not meet the mission of the RMS PTO.
g.ADMINISTRATIVE PURCHASES: Necessary administrative purchases for committees and executive board members that exceed $100 must be voted on at a general meeting prior to reimbursement. For less than $100 prior approval by 3 board members is sufficient. Excludes amount approved in yearly budget.
h.All requests for funds will be made through the “Funds Request Form” available in the front office and on the PTO website. Person requesting funds will need to present at a PTO meeting at least 30 days prior to when funds are needed.
i. The Treasurer will have their name on the PTO bank account.
j.The PTO PayPal account will have one (1) debit card associated with it. The
RMS PTO will be the name on the cards.
i. All purchases made with these cards must be approved as outlined
ii. A log of all purchases made using these cards will be available for the
Executive Board to view in RMS PTO Google Docs.
iii. All purchases must be conveyed to the treasurer within
two (2) days.
RMS PTO adopts the Conflict of Interest Policy from IRS Form 1023 Instructions (Appendix A)
Request for a bylaw change can be made at any meeting. Bylaw changes will be incorporated at the regularly scheduled June meeting by a 2/3 vote of members in attendance.
aAll online accounts for PTO use (email, facebook, etc.) must be established using the PTO email address (
b.All members of the Executive Board will have the log in information for all PTO accounts.
c.Passwords should be changed yearly or with any change in board members.
d.All social media use shall be undertaken or approved by an executive board member and must follow the guidelines outlined in Appendix B.
e. All executive board members will use their assigned email address
to conduct PTO business to assure a smooth transition at the end of their term.
This organization may be dissolved with previous notice (14 calendar days) and a majority vote of those present at the meeting. (See article XI, section e)
The PTO Executive Board will consist of eight (8) members; i. Parent Administrator (President)
ii.Teacher Administrator (Co-President)
iii.Parent Treasurer
iv.Fundraising Coordinator
v.Recording Secretary
vi.Event Coordinator
vii.Outreach Coordinator
a.Conduct all PTO meetings.
b.Confer with the Principal as necessary.
c.Prepare agenda prior to meetings.
d.Work with teachers to assess their needs.
e.Attend local and district school committee meetings, as necessary.
f.Coordinate committees.
g.Coordinate summer budget and planning meetings.
h.Keep the community informed of all ongoing events and fundraising activities.
i.Be involved with at least one event or committee per school year.
j.Is responsible for reviewing and signing all contracts with outside vendors.
I. Treasurer
a.Responsible for checking/savings account.
b.Receive and deposit all money.
c.Pay out funds in accordance with the approved budget or as authorized by the Executive Board.
d.Prepare, along with the Executive Board, the yearly budget for the
new school year.
e.Present budget and financial report to the Executive Board and General Membership meetings for approval.
f.Keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures.
g.Prepare year-end financial statements for audit.
h.Ensure taxes are filed in a timely manner.
i.Monitor and renew tax-exempt status.
The Recording Secretary will be a member of the Executive Board. Sub-committees may be formed as needed.
a.Taking of meeting minutes at all PTO meetings.
b.Update PTO calendar as needed.
c.Send and respond to all correspondence in a timely manner.
d.Post updates and information of all PTO social media.
e.Prepare and distribute PTO promotional flyers.
f.Coordinate information for monthly school newsletter.
g.Be responsible for maintaining and updating school website, as it pertains to PTO news, information, and events.
The fundraising committee will be chaired by two members of the RMS PTO. One co-chair will be a member of the Executive Board. Sub-committees may be created as needed. Responsibilities
a.This committee is responsible for finding, researching, and presenting new fundraising ideas to the executive board and general PTO membership.
i.All contracts must be submitted to Executive Board for review and signing.
b.Maintain and help promote standing fundraisers (ie: Box Tops for Education) and keep up to date with changes in the programs.
c.Working with the Volunteer Coordinator(s) to schedule sufficient numbers of volunteers for events.
d.Maintain details of all aspects of event planning and submit reports to Executive Board and General Membership upon completion of the event.
e.Submit building use form (if required) in a timely manner.
f. Report progress at PTO Executive Board and General Membership meetings, as requested by the Executive Board.
g.Submit reports to Executive Board and General Membership upon completion of the project/event.
h.Coordinate any information for upcoming fundraising to the Communication Committee for inclusion into the monthly PTO newsletter and PTO calendar.
The event committee will be chaired by two members of the RMS PTO. One co-chair will be a member of the Executive Board. Sub-committees may be created as needed for larger events.
a.This committee is responsible for finding, researching, and presenting new fundraising ideas to the executive board and general PTO membership.
i.All contracts must be submitted to Executive Board for review and signing.
b.Maintain and help promote standing fundraisers (ie: Box Tops for Education) and keep up to date with changes in the programs.
c.Working with the Volunteer Coordinator(s) to schedule sufficient numbers of volunteers for events.
d.Maintain details of all aspects of event planning and submit reports to Executive and General Membership upon completion of the event.
e.Submit building use form (if required) in a timely manner.
f. Report progress at PTO Executive Board and General Membership meetings, as requested by the Executive Board.
g.Submit reports to Executive Board and General Membership upon completion of the project/event.
h.Coordinate any upcoming events to the Communication Committee for inclusion into the monthly PTO newsletter.
The Outreach Committee chair will be a member of the Executive Board. A Volunteer Coordinator will be part of this committee. Sub-committees may be established as needed.
a.Communicate with community organizations (Library, ORRJHS, ORRHS, etc..) on joint projects and events.
b.Coordinate with other committees for PTO events open to the community.
c.Coordinate any information for community programs and events to the Communication Committee for inclusion into the monthly PTO newsletter.
The Parent and Teacher Administrators are responsible for ensuring all PTO meetings run smoothly, stay on topic, and accomplish items in the meeting agenda. They are also responsible for keeping their respective group (parents or teachers) informed of all PTO happenings and direct any questions or concerns to the appropriate person. Administrators are also required to serve on a committee of their choice (NOT in a board position).
a.Removal from office may occur by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
b.A Board Member or Committee Chair could be subject to removal at any such time that he or she fails to perform assigned duties, is corrupt, or any act/behavior that brings dishonor to, or negates, the purpose and/or goals of this organization.
c.Removal shall take place only after the board has met in an effort to assess and discuss the problem and all attempts have been made to resolve the problem.
Appendix A - Conflict of Interest Policy
Article I Purpose
The purpose of the conflict of interest policy is to protect this tax-exempt organization's (Organization) interest when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of an officer or director of the Organization or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction. This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations.
Article II Definitions
1. Interested Person
Any director, principal officer, or member of a committee with governing board delegated powers, who has a direct or indirect financial interest, as defined below, is an interested person.
[Hospital Insert – for hospitals that complete Schedule C Ifa person is an interested person with respect to any entity in the health care system of which the organization is a part, he or she is an interested person with respect to all entities in the health care system.]
2. Financial Interest
A person has a financial interest if the person has, directly or indirectly, through business, investment, or family:
a. An ownership or investment interest in any entity with which the Organization has a transaction or arrangement,
b. A compensation arrangement with the Organization or with any entity or individual with which the Organization has a transaction or arrangement, or
c. A potential ownership or investment interest in, or compensation arrangement with, any entity or individual with which the Organization is negotiating a transaction or arrangement.
Compensation includes direct and indirect remuneration as well as gifts or favors that are not insubstantial.
A financial interest is not necessarily a conflict of interest. Under Article III, Section 2, a person who has a financial interest may have a conflict of interest only if the appropriate governing board or committee decides that a conflict of interest exists.
Article III Procedures
1. Duty to Disclose:
In connection with any actual or possible conflict of interest, an interested person must disclose the existence of the financial interest and be given the opportunity to disclose all material facts to the directors and members of committees with governing board delegated powers considering the proposed transaction or arrangement.
2. Determining Whether a Conflict of Interest Exists
After disclosure of the financial interest and all material facts, and after any discussion with the interested person, he/she shall leave the governing board or committee meeting while the determination of a conflict of interest is discussed and voted upon. The remaining board or committee members shall decide if a conflict of interest exists.
3. Procedures for Addressing the Conflict of Interest
a. An interested person may make a presentation at the governing board or committee meeting, but after the presentation, he/she shall leave the meeting during the discussion of, and the vote on, the transaction or arrangement involving the possible conflict of interest.
b. The chair person of the governing board or committee shall, if appropriate, appoint a disinterested person or committee to investigate alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement.
c. After exercising due diligence, the governing board or committee shall determine whether the Organization can obtain with reasonable efforts a more advantageous transaction or arrangement from a person or entity that would not give rise to a conflict of interest.
d. If a more advantageous transaction or arrangement is not reasonably possible under circumstances not producing a conflict of interest, the governing board or committee shall determine by a majority vote of the disinterested directors whether the transaction or arrangement is in the Organization's best interest, for its own benefit, and whether it is fair and reasonable. In conformity with the above determination it shall make its decision as to whether to enter into the transaction or arrangement.
4. Violations of the Conflicts of Interest Policy
If the governing board or committee has reasonable cause to believe a member has failed to
a. disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, it shall inform the member of the basis for such belief and afford the member an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose.
If, after hearing the member's response and after making further investigation as warranted by the circumstances, the governing board or committee determines the member has failed to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest, it shall take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action.
Article IV Records of Proceedings
The minutes of the governing board and all committees with board delegated powers shall contain:
a. Thenamesofthepersonswhodisclosedorotherwisewerefoundtohaveafinancialinterestin
connection with an actual or possible conflict of interest, the nature of the financial interest, any action taken to determine whether a conflict of interest was present, and the governing board's or committee's decision as to whether a conflict of interest in fact existed.
b.The names of the persons who were present for discussions and votes relating to the transaction or arrangement, the content of the discussion, including any alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement, and a record of any votes taken in connection with the proceedings.
Article V Compensation
a. A voting member of the governing board who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Organization for services is precluded from voting on matters pertaining to that member's compensation.
b. A voting member of any committee whose jurisdiction includes compensation matters and who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Organization for services is precluded from voting on matters pertaining to that member's compensation.
c. No voting member of the governing board or any committee whose jurisdiction includes compensation matters and who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Organization, either individually or collectively, is prohibited from providing information to any committee regarding compensation.
Article VI Annual Statements
Each director, principal officer and member of a committee with governing board delegated powers shall annually sign a statement which affirms such person:
a. Has received a copy of the conflicts of interest policy,
b. Has read and understands the policy ,
c. Has agreed to comply with the policy, and
d. Understands the Organization is charitable and in order to maintain its federal tax exemption it
must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes.
Article VII Periodic Reviews
To ensure the Organization operates in a manner consistent with charitable purposes and does not engage in activities that could jeopardize its tax-exempt status, periodic reviews shall be conducted. The periodic reviews shall, at a minimum, include the following subjects:
a. Whether compensation arrangements and benefits are reasonable, based on competent survey information, and the result of arm's length bargaining.
b. Whether partnerships, joint ventures, and arrangements with management organizations conform to the Organization's written policies, are properly recorded, reflect reasonable investment or payments for goods and services, further charitable purposes and do not result in inurnment, impermissible private benefit or in an excess benefit transaction.
Article VIII
Use of Outside Experts
When conducting the periodic reviews as provided for in Article VII, the Organization may, but need not, use outside advisors. If outside experts are used, their use shall not relieve the governing board of its responsibility for ensuring periodic reviews are conducted.
Appendix B - Social Media Guidelines
The goal of social media use by the RMS PTO is to share information and tips, update the community on events and programs, and showcase the achievements of students, teachers, parents, and other community members. Community rules will be posted on any RMS PTO run social media accounts.
Community Rules
- We encourage you to ask questions and share information.
- We request that you keep discussions focused directly concerning our school community.
- We encourage posts that highlight our community’s accomplishments and constructively raise issues for discussion.
- When posting, please use appropriate language.
- If you choose, you can post photos of your children at school events. Do not post photos of other children. Do not screen shot or save pictures from this page if you did not post them. If you have any questions about posting a particular photo, please check with the group administrator.
- Do not post about concerns, problems, or conflicts with individual teachers, administrators, students, or parents.
- We will immediately delete posts that in any way put down or discriminate against individuals.
- Online threats will be taken seriously, and proper authorities will be immediately notified.
- Do not post information commonly understood as confidential, such as student grades.
- Any inflammatory statements that make allegations against individuals or organizations will be deleted.
- Keep in mind what you post is public information and will live on forever on the interwebs.
- Any advertising for businesses is not allowed.
- Do not publish content as your own that has been created by someone else.
- The PTO board and PTO Facebook administrators reserve the right to delete comments and block users who are not following the rules stated above.
**updated and approved June 13, 2023**